

日期:2024年11月12日 18:47 作者:杨晓霞




2011/9 - 2014/7,天津大学,仪器科学与技术,博士;

2009/9 - 2011/7,天津大学,仪器科学与技术,硕士;

2005/9 - 2009/7,长春理工大学,测控技术与仪器,学士。


2021/12 – 今,天津职业技术师范大学,自动化学院,副教授;

2014/07 – 2021/11,天津职业技术师范大学,自动化学院,讲师。


[1] Bin Xue*, Dongliang Wang, Yifan Zhen, Rongzhao Yu, Xiaoxia Yang*, Reconstruction of the gradient field in the cross-section of an acoustic wave and its usefulness in processing acoustic wave fields, Optics Express, 2022, 30(13): 24103-24117

[2] Yang Xiaoxia,Jia Lecheng,Meng Qingkuan,A Quantitative Detection Method for Stress Corrosion Cracks in Turbine Discs Using a BPSO-RBFNN Model, Measurement Science and Technology, 2018.9, 29 (9), 095014

[3] Yang Xiaoxia,Xue Bin,Jia Lecheng,Zhang Hao,Quantitative analysis of pit defects in an automobile engine cylinder cavity using the radial basis function neural network-genetic algorithm model,Structural Health Monitoring,2017.11, 16(6),696~710

[4] Jian Dong,Hao Chen,Xiaoxia Yang*,Frequency Domain Filtering Based Compressed Sensing Applied on Sparse-angle CT Image Reconstruction,ACM International Conference proceeding series,Tianjin, China, 2022.01.14-2022.01.16

[5] Jian Dong,Siyuan Zhang,Xiaoxia Yang*,Jingyu Zhang,Successive statistical iterative reconstruction, 3D-filtering and region growing methods for high-quality 3D visualization of cone-beam CT image,ACM International Conference proceeding series,Tianjin, China, 2022.01.14-2022.01.16

[6] Yang, Xiaoxia,Chen, Shili,Sun, Fang,Jin, Shijiu,Chang, Wenshuang,Simulation Study on the Acoustic Field from Linear Phased Array Ultrasonic Transducer for Engine Cylinder Testing,Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences,2013.2.01,90(6):487~500

[7] Yang, Xiaoxia,Chen, Shili,Jin, Shijiu,Chang, Wenshuang,Crack Orientation and Depth Estimation in a Low-Pressure Turbine Disc Using a Phased Array Ultrasonic Transducer and an Artificial Neural Network,Sensors,2013.9.01,13(9):12375~12391

[8] Xue, Bin,Yang, Xiaoxia,Zhu, Jigui,Architectural stability analysis of the rotary-laser scanning technique,Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2016.3.01,78:26~34

[9] Yang Xiaoxia,Xue Bin,Jia Lecheng,Zhang Hao,Method for Marking and Positioning Corrosions in the Automobile Engine Cylinder Cavity from the Ultrasonic Phased Array C-scan Images,2nd Workshop on Advanced Research and Technology in Industry Applications,Dalian, China,2016.5.14-2016.5.15





[14] Jia Lecheng, Xue Bin, Chen Shili, Wu Hanzhong, Yang Xiaoxia, Zeng Zoumo, Zhai Jingsheng, Characterization of pulsed ultrasound using optical detection in Raman-Nath regime, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2018, 89(8): 084906

[15] Jia Lecheng, Chen Shili, Xue Bin, Wu Hanzhong, Zhang Kai, Yang Xiaoxia, Zeng Zoumo, Acoustic pressure measurement of pulsed ultrasound using acousto-optic diffraction[C]// Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 2018.

[16]Dongliang Wang, Wang Cai, Yifan Zhen, Xiaoxia Yang, Bin Xue, Method of Merging the Divergence Sparsity and Simplified Acousto-Optic Interferometry to Sense an Acoustic Wave Field, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2022, 22(15): 15022-15032

[17] Zihui Yang,Fanpeng Dong,Hongguang Liu,Xiaoxia Yang,Zhiwei Li,Bin Xue,Direct Underwater Sound Velocity Measurement Based on the Acousto-Optic Self-Interference Effect between the Chirp Signal and the Optical Frequency Comb, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 11(1):18. 

[18]孟庆宽,杨晓霞,刘 易,刘永江,张振仪. 自然光照环境下基于人工蜂群算法的农业移动机器人视觉导航线提取.江苏农业学报, 2020,36(4):919-929.

[19]孟庆宽,杨晓霞,张漫,关海鸥. 基于语义分割的非结构化田间道路场景识别.农业工程学报,2021,37(22):152-160.

[20]孟庆宽,张漫,杨晓霞,刘易,张振仪. 基于轻量卷积结合特征信息融合的玉米幼苗与杂草识别. 农业机械学报,2020, 51(12):238-303.





